When I lived in Istanbul, I ate a lot of very good Turkish food. In Shanghai, I eat a lot of very good Mexican, Italian, Moroccan, Lebanese, Punjabi and American food, as well as the forty bazillion shades of Chinese food on every corner.
Chinese food in China is awesome and surprising and nothing like what you find in all-you-can-eat buffet restaurants in suburban North America (or urban Turkey, for that matter).
You can get beautiful dishes heavy with garlic and greens and veggies and chilis, and if you are so inclined, all sorts of random body parts hacked into pieces and stewed and braised and sauteed and fried.
What is particularly awesome? This is awesome:
3 Responses
Cool! It’s coll you finally got your own web domain! I’m happy to see that you have moved the Shanghai’s 101 here… I just hope that you extend that section…
Also, the blog theme looks great. Where did you find the background? One thing is pretty interesting here: the “tags” (or is it “categories”?) have switched to “Concepts” :-)…
The Shanghai 101 thing is a slow work in progress (and the number is just arbitrary, really) so I thought it would do better here as an occasional blog post under its own category. I think I’ll be able to add more as the school year winds down… it’s hard to feel like writing/thinking when you have so much work to do.
The theme was one I found somewhere deep in the wordpress.org theme inventory. It’s nifty, isn’t it? You can really customize it: the ‘concepts’ cloud for tags was my idea 🙂 I like it much better!
Howdy blogger, I love the pic, where did you crop it?