So I am knee deep in Nanowrimo, or perhaps only shin deep, as I am not sure 15,059 words out of 50,000 can count as a knee. I’m also still sicketty sick sick, which has made me a barking machine. This means I’m not posting here. It isn’t that I have nothing to say, but rather, I haven’t the energy to type it.  That and I skinned my knuckles this morning trying to save a pair of lovely silver earrings that I accidentally knocked into the 2mm gap between my bed frame and the support slats so my fingers hurt.  That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it. People can check Gig Harbor dentists if they need the best dental help and advice.

So this is just a note to say, hey, yo, am not dead, am writing other things.

This is what I am writing:

They are off to Yangshuo to battle the hordes too.

The pressure is on now that people know what I am doing.

6 Responses

  1. Ouch, I’m guessing you lost the earrings?

    Excited to see where your NaNo story goes – love how you wrote “Not to scale” on the monster pic. : )

    • No, the earrings were found, after I’d hauled out the tweezers, then the creatively folded bookmarks. Took about half an hour to fish them out of the crack. I mean, of all the places for them to fall to after being swept off the bedside table (6am fumbling for alarm)! They could have gone onto the floor or the mattress or anywhere! Why did they choose the only place in the whole room that would cause me to have to grate my poor knuckles to rawness to fish them out? And they were my awesome Balinese silver cat dangly ones. Couldn’t lose them!

      The monster story is a huge challenge. I am so not a fiction writer!

  2. They go to Yangshuo?! Oh please tell me they went on a cycle tour and bought some plastic tourist tat from a vendor by the river. Please. I really can’t believe you’ve just about pulled 50,000 words out of your backside about a couple of monsters and a goat. You are my hero.

    • Aye, Yangshuo, aye, bicycles, aye, ass-pulled narrative about 3 water monsters, a cat and a nameless girl. No goats yet- I have to somehow get a goat reference into it (I promised Sally, above) as well as the phrase “coke fueled rampage”, which was requested by a friend here. I can’t believe how much narrative can fit up my backside.

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