So, we are now in Meknès, about 3.5 hours by train from Casablanca and ever so much more likeable.
This is the Meknès medina where we are staying.
And after we arrived yesterday noonish, with the sun blazing down with peculiar ferocity, we retreated into the cool, sheltered laneways of Meknès to find lunch.
We ended up here. It’s the size of your living room and seats about 12. We were the only guests. It was around 2pm, so if there ever was a lunch rush it was over by then. Our solitary status also meant that they had to run out and buy ingredients for everything we had ordered, from the veggies to the viande hachée, which they may have had to hache by hand, now that I think about it.
Everything came very slowly but perfectly formed.
And here I am, waiting for Godot and kefte.
First came the salads, drizzled with lemon.

Am thinking maybe the fellow in the medina who carves the tiles for the mosaics made my cucumber salad.
And eventually the soup.
And then when it was nearly dinner time, the kefte emerged. They were stunning. You could see the perfectly chopped fresh herbs in them.

We waited 90 minutes for this kefte. I think they had to go slaughter a lamb first. And grow the herbs.
Oh, and our riad serves breakfast. It’s a really pretty breakfast. With strong coffee in pretty cups.
And then today, we found ourselves a rooftop terrace all to ourselves and ordered the prix fixe, which was basically an excuse to sit and eat and look out over the city all afternoon. Here are some highlights.
Note: I tried to order the camel kefte but they were all out. Pity.
4 Responses
Making me jealous is right! I’ve been wanting to go to Morocco for a while, and this just stoked the fire.
Ellen recently posted..110 in the Shade: Picnic at Sarisu
Go! Gogogo! It’s gorgeous!
Ah Morocco! So enchanting and ever so diverse. Don’t miss Fez, and Essaouira (or as I like to call it “The Land of Vowels”) And dear, dear Chefchaouen – purely THE most charming place on earth. Indeed, I could move to Morocco in a heartbeat!
Dyanne@TravelnLass recently posted..Uh, We Interrupt This Broadcast to Bring You an Urgent Message…
We’re heading to all those places. Loving it so far.