Today we made the mildly epic drive down to Gatwick to see my parents off.
They’ve been staying with us for a month, wrangling the Thwack so I could have my hands free to make muffins and bread and all those therapeutic carbohydrates, or do the dishes, or go to the dentist or visit the link, These things are surprisingly tricky when you have a fresh urchin who nurses. All. The. Time.
Seriously, that thing about scheduling feeds or nursing for 15 minutes every few hours is BULLSHIT. Naps too.
So their visit was very much appreciated.
And I managed to not take them to any restaurants that burst into flame mid-meal, nor did I force them to trek across vast tracts of major cities or through crenellated rural wastelands in extreme heat or cold. Not this time anyway.
For a month, we’ve enjoyed little day trips, tea and cake in the afternoon, and long walks through the park into town. In the mornings, usually after a long, sleepless night, I got to hand Thwacky over to my mother for a massive cuddle while I checked my email and caught up on facebook and did morning jobs. My dad brought in streams of freshly whooshed espressos from the kitchen and, several times a week, sorted out my meridians and whatnot with proper in depth reflexology sessions as I drank my coffee and read my mail.
I was spoiled rotten.
It was a very good visit. I’m feeling quietly sad that they’re heading back to Canada but still, this still counts as a thing of happiness worth noting.
4 Responses
Love this post of yours. Sounds like it was just what the doctor ordered. Looking forward to your next happiness post.
Elizabeth recently posted..It’s Official: Artist-in-Residence in Beijing
Grandparents are really the best
Kirstin recently Dutch
This made me smile – and want to call my mother 🙂
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