Blue plaque



This is a bit of an odd one. We were out walking, heading from one errand to the next, sated from our minimalist picnic in the park (salade Nicoise in reused takeaway containers and plastic forks), and strolling down London Road into town when we passed by this blue plaque on a building with a bright blue door.

I don’t often read blue plaques because, well, I don’t know most of the people noted on them. The horse shed of Aloysius Bonglesworth-Fargleston, the 4th land surveyor in Swansea, just doesn’t excite me like, say, Bagan or Cappadocia. I remember Freddie Mercury’s house in London, and that’s about it. Oh- and some bar in Birmingham where UB40 started out.

But this one was actually interesting.

A private detective who decorated his office building with sixteen versions of his own head in disguise!

We stopped and gawped and laughed and looked again and blocked the pavement with our pointing and staring and counting the bright blue top-hatted disguises. I hadn’t been startled by something unexpectedly interesting and new in quite a while. I have missed being surprised and intrigued. That’s what fuels projects like my mops and my wok experiments.

It was a tiny bit like travelling.



Here are 4 of the disguises. Totally incognito with those electric blue top hats.


The whole Happiness Project collection of posts can be found here.

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